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This is a highly personalised reading offering a detailed look at your year ahead, highlighting the major themes, opportunities and challenges you can expect.

 A year-chart reading includes the following:

l An assessment of the major eclipses, planetary transits and significant conjunctions, their meaning and how they will likely impact your life.

l A personalized month-by-month analysis of the lunar-solar cycle highlighting the areas of your life most conducive to growth and expansion.

l A look at how the year ahead relates to your current planetary period (daśa) and how it fits into the greater scheme of things related to the 12-year cycles used in Vedic astrology.

l An assessment of your varśa-phala, or solar return chart decoding the major themes of the year ahead.

 Additionally, you are welcome to single out unique areas of life you are concerned about in the next 12 months, for example: matters related to relationships, career choices, health, education, product launches, court cases, etc.

 After listening to your reading you are welcome to get in touch (typically via WhatsApp) for a free 20 minute live session during which we can discuss any questions you may have related to the reading or areas that may require clarification.

 *Depending on my workload, you will typically receive your reading within 1-3 weeks of ordering as a downloadable mp3 recording.

 *A year-chart reading is at least 1 hour and 20 minute long.